
DGRI organizes regular conferences and seminars on the various issues that it addresses.

DGRI has established expert committeeson certain issues in order to permit a more profound discussion at the meetings of those committees.

The autumn academy for the further education of young lawyers and legal scholars – including trainee lawyers, lawyers and academics – in the field of information law is conducted on an annual basis in cooperation with the DSRI association.

As a member of the international computer law association IFCLA, DGRI also organizes regular international events such as the Joint Meeting of 3 Countries in order to promote an exchange of views at the international level.

Fachausschuss-Sitzung Schlichtung

Das Schlichtungsverfahren der DGRI als effizientes Instrument alternativer Streitbeilegung

Prof. Dr. A. Metzger, U. A. Klein, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Dipl.-Inf. Th. P. Schneider, Streitz Hoppen & Partner IT-Sachverständige, Brühl
Dr. S. L. Gössl, Universität Bonn


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Recht und Informatik e.V. (DGRI)